No 2001:14: What works and for whom: a review of OECD countries' experiences with active labour market policies
John P. Martin and David Grubb
No 2001:13: Labour market policies, strategies and statistics for people with disabilities: A cross-national comparison
Anders Bergeskog
No 2001:12: Counseling and monitoring of unemployed workers: theory and evidence from a controlled social experiment
Gerhard van den Bergh and Bas van deer Klaauw
No 2001:11: Now and forever? Initial and subsequent location choices of immigrants
Olof Åslund
No 2001:10: Public or private job matching for immigrant workers – an outline of a Swedish social experiment
Kenneth Carling, Helge Bennmarker and Anders Forslund
No 2001:9: Testing exogeneity under distributional misspecification
Xavier de Luna and Per Johansson
No 2001:8: The effects of working time reductions on wages, actual hours and equilibrium unemployment
Oskar Nordström Skans
No 2001:7: Resistant outlier rules and the non-Gaussian case
Kenneth Carling
No 2001:6: Determinants of plant closures in Swedish manufacturing
Fredrik Andersson and Altin Vejsiu
No 2001:5: An evaluation of the active labour market programmes in Sweden
Barbara Sianesi
No 2001:4: Skill loss, ranking of job applicants, and the dynamics of unemployment
Stefan Eriksson
No 2001:3: Attrition and misclassification of drop-outs in the analysis of unemployment duration
Johan Bring and Kenneth Carling
No 2001:2: The relative efficiency of labor market programs: Swedish experience from the 1990's
Kenneth Carling and Katarina Richardson
No 2001:1: Individual demand for local public schooling: Evidence from Swedish survey data
Åsa Ahlin and Eva Johansson
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