No 2012:31: Accuracy of congestion pricing forecasts
Jonas Eliasson, Dirk van Amelsfort, Maria Börjesson, Karin Brundell-Freij and Leonid Engelson
No 2012:30: Is CBA ranking of transport investments robust?
Maria Börjesson, Jonas Eliasson and Mattias Lundberg
No 2012:29: Marginal railway track renewal costs: a survival data approach
Mats Andersson and Gunilla Björklund
No 2012:28: Sjöfartens långsiktiga drivmedelsförsörjning
Per Kågeson
No 2012:27: Estimating non-marginal willingness to pay for railway noise abatement: application of the two-step hedonic regression technique
Jan-Erik Swärdh, Henrik Andersson, Lina Jonsson and Mikael Ögren
No 2012:26: Procurement and contract design in the construction industry: … not one size fits all
Jan-Eric Nilsson
No 2012:25: Congestion and scarcity in scheduled transport modes
Jan-Eric Nilsson
No 2012:24: Multi-unit common value auctions: an experimental comparison between the static and the dynamic uniform auction
Joakim Ahlberg
No 2012:23: Multi-unit common value auctions: a laboratory experiment with three sealed-bid mechanisms
Joakim Ahlberg
No 2012:22: Impacts of different environmentally differentiated truck charges on mileage, fleet composition and emissions in Germany and Sweden
Inge Vierth and Heike Schleussner
No 2012:21: The political economy of infrastructure planning in Sweden: supporting analyses
Johanna Jussila Hammes
No 2012:20: Vad skulle en likabehandling av transportslagen innebära för näringslivets transportval: exemplifiering för några varuslag och relationer
Inge Vierth
No 2012:19: Achieving political acceptability for new transport infrastructure in congested urban regions
Jonas Westin, Pierre Basck, Joel P. Franklin, Stef Proost and Charles Raux
No 2012:18: Var inom transportsektorn får biogasen störst klimatnytta?
Per Kågeson and Lina Jonsson
No 2012:17: The impact of stochastic properties of traffic demand on real option value in road projects
Niclas Krüger
No 2012:16: Inter-temporal variation in the travel time and travel cost parameters of transport models
Maria Börjesson
No 2012:15: Does infrastructure really cause growth?: the time scale dependent causality nexus between infrastructure investments and GDP
Niclas Krüger
No 2012:14: Estimating traffic demand risk - a multiscale analysis
Niclas Krüger
No 2012:13: Estimating welfare effects of congestion charges in real world settings
Maria Börjesson and Ida Kristoffersson
No 2012:12: Forecasting demand for high speed rail
Maria Börjesson
No 2012:11: On assessing climate effects of electrifying the transport sector
Björn Carlén and Svante Mandell
No 2012:10: Höghastighetsstationer i andra europeiska länder
Bertil Hylén and Daniel Jonsson
No 2012:9: Valuing perceived insecurity associated with use of and access to public transport
Maria Börjesson
No 2012:8: Experiences from the Swedish Value of Time study
Maria Börjesson and Jonas Eliasson
No 2012:7: De nationella myndigheternas hantering av marknadsöppning inom kollektivtrafiken – Trafikverket, Transportstyrelsen, Konkurrensverket och Konsumentverket
Roger Pyddoke, Stefan Pettersson and Nils Enberg
No 2012:6: Inträdeshinder och flaskhalsar för en öppen marknad för persontransporter på järnväg
Roger Pyddoke
No 2012:5: The liberalization of railway passenger transport in Sweden – Outstanding regulatory challenges
Gunnar Alexandersson, Staffan Hultén, Jan-Eric Nilsson and Roger Pyddoke
No 2012:4: Congestion charges and labour market imperfections: “Wider economic benefits” or “losses”?
Christer Anderstig, Svante Berglund, Jonas Eliasson, Matts Andersson and Roger Pyddoke
No 2012:3: The Stockholm congestion charges – five years on. Effects, acceptability and lessons learnt
Maria Börjesson, Jonas Eliasson, Muriel Hugosson and Karin Brundell-Freij
No 2012:2: Valuations of travel time variability in scheduling versus mean-variance models
Maria Börjesson, Jonas Eliasson and Joel Franklin
No 2012:1: The influence of individuals’ environmental attitudes and urban design features on their travel patterns in sustainable neighborhoods in the UK
Yusak O. Susilo, Katie Williams, Morag Lindsay and Carol Dair
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