Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics

CERE Working Papers,
CERE - the Center for Environmental and Resource Economics

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

No 2012:19: Optimal Management of Groundwater under Uncertainty: A Unified Approach
Chandra Kiran Krishnamurthy

No 2012:18: Estimating Distributional Effects of Environmental Policy in Swedish Coastal Environments – A Walk along different Socio-economic Dimensions
Cecilia Håkansson, Katarina Östberg and Göran Bostedt

No 2012:17: Regulation and Unintended Consequences
Rolf Färe and Shawna Grosskopf

No 2012:16: Pollution Generating Technologies and Environmental Efficiency
Rolf Färe, Shawna Grosskopf, Tommy Lundgren, Per-Olov Marklund and Wenchao Zhou

No 2012:15: Growth, Pollution, and Money-Metric Welfare in Imperfect Markets
Chuan-Zhong Li and Karl-Gustaf Löfgren

No 2012:14: Elmarknaden och elprisets utveckling före och efter avregleringen: ekonometriska analyser
Runar Brännlund, Amin Karimu and Patrik Söderholm

No 2012:13: Productivity: Should We Include Bads?
Rolf Färe, Shawna Grosskopf, Tommy Lundgren, Per-Olov Marklund and Wenchao Zhou

No 2012:12: Equity over Efficiency: A Problem of Credibility in Scaling Resource-Based Compensatory?
Scott Cole

No 2012:11: Aggregate Technical Efficiency and Water Use in U.S. Agriculture
Andrew Zaeske

No 2012:10: Two-step approach to Self-Selected Interval Data in Elicitation Surveys
Yuri Belyaev and Bengt Kriström

No 2012:9: Firm Trading Behaviour and Transaction Costs in the European Union’s Emission Trading System: An Empirical Assessment
Jurate Jaraite and Andrius Kažukauskas

No 2012:8: Environmental Performance and Profits
Tommy Lundgren and Per-Olov Marklund

No 2012:7: Determinants of Environmental Expenditure and Investment: Evidence from Sweden
Jurate Jaraite, Andrius Kažukauskas and Tommy Lundgren

No 2012:6: Rationality, Fairness and the Cost of Distrust
Göran Bostedt and Runar Brännlund

No 2012:5: Is Stump Harvesting a Remedy for the Climate Crisis or a Curse for Biodiversity? An Interdisciplinary Study of Conflicting Goals.
Erik Geijer, Jon Andersson, Göran Bostedt, Runar Brännlund and Joakim Hjältén

No 2012:4: On a New Approach to Social Evaluations of Environmental Projects
Per-Olov Johansson and Bengt Kriström

No 2012:3: Transportsektorns användning av skattefaktorer i samhällsekonomiska kalkyler
Gunnel Bångman

No 2012:2: Command-and-Control Revisited: Environmental Compliance and Innovation in Swedish Industry 1970-1990
Ann-Kristin Bergquist, Kristina Söderholm, Hanna Kinneryd, Magnus Lindmark and Patrick Söderholm

No 2012:1: Cost-Benefit Analysis in a Framework of Stakeholder Involvement and Integrated Coastal Zone Modeling
Gerda Kinell, Tore Söderqvist, Ragnar Elmgren, Jacob Walve and Frida Franzén

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
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