Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics

Working Papers,
Lund University, Department of Economics

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

No 2005:45: Choosing Opponents in Prisoners' Dilemma: An Evolutionary Analysis
Peter Engseld and Andreas Bergh

No 2005:44: Using Credit Derivatives to Compute Market-Wide Default Probability Term Structures
Hans Byström

No 2005:43: The Wealth Tax and Entrepreneurial Activity
Åsa Hansson

No 2005:42: Panel Cointegration Tests with Deterministic Trends and Structural Breaks
Joakim Westerlund and David Edgerton

No 2005:41: Nonlinear Taxation and Punishment
Tommy Andersson

No 2005:40: Fiscal statistics for Sweden 1719-2003
Klas Fregert and Roger Gustafsson

No 2005:39: An n-person Rubinstein bargaining game
Pär Torstensson

No 2005:38: Evolutionary Stability in Bargaining with an Asymmetric Breakdown Point
Pär Torstensson

No 2005:37: Evolutionary Dynamics and a Refinement of the Neutral Stability Criterion
Pär Torstensson

No 2005:36: Inequality in the Access to Secondary Education and Rural Poverty in Bangladesh: An Analysis of Household and School Level Data
Alia Ahmad, Mahabub Hossain and Manik Lal Bose

No 2005:35: Political economy and pensions in ageing societies – a note on how an ”impossible” reform was implemented in Sweden.
Agneta Kruse

No 2005:34: Debt and Economic Growth in Developing and Industrial Countries
Alfredo Schclarek

No 2005:33: Conditioned Actions in Strategic Coordination Games
Peter Engseld

No 2005:32: Determining the Level of Transportation Costs in the Core-Periphery Model: a Majority Voting Approach
Fredrik Gallo

No 2005:31: Special Interest Politics and Trade Policy – An Empirical Challenge
Carl-Johan Belfrage

No 2005:30: Preferences regarding road transports of hazardous materials using choice experiments - any sign of biases?
Lena Winslott Hiselius

No 2005:29: Transaction Costs, Money and Units of Account
Ingemar Bengtsson

No 2005:28: A framework for understanding inflation - with or without money
Ingemar Bengtsson

No 2005:27: The Problem of Cooperation and Reputation Based Choice
Andreas Bergh and Peter Engseld

No 2005:26: Trust in surveys and games - a matter of money and location?
Håkan Holm and Paul Nystedt

No 2005:25: Transition Variables in the Markov-switching Model: Some Small Sample Properties
Ulf Erlandsson

No 2005:24: Credit Default Swaps and Equity Prices: The Itraxx CDS Index Market
Hans N. E. Byström

No 2005:23: Cournot Competition, Market Size Effects, and Agglomeration
Fredrik Gallo

No 2005:22: Increasing Returns, Input-Output Linkages, and Technological Leapfrogging
Fredrik Gallo

No 2005:21: Central bank power is a matter of faith
Ingemar Bengtsson

No 2005:20: Nonlinear Income Taxes and the Utility Possibility Set
Tommy Andersson

No 2005:19: Nonlinear Pricing and the Utility Possibility Set
Tommy Andersson

No 2005:18: Can An ”Estimation Factor” Help Explain Cross-Sectional Returns?
Frederik Lundtofte

No 2005:17: Expected Life-Time Utility and Hedging Demands in a Partially Observable Economy
Frederik Lundtofte

No 2005:16: Testing for Stationarity in Panel Data when Errors are Serially Correlated. Finite-Sample Results
Kristian Jönsson

No 2005:15: Absence of Absenteeism and Overtime work – Signaling Factors for Temporary Workers?
Anna Meyer and Mårten Wallette

No 2005:14: Temporary Jobs and the Exit to Open-Ended Jobs in the Swedish Labour Market.
Mårten Wallette

No 2005:13: Temporary Jobs and On-the-Job Training in Sweden - A Negative Nexus?
Mårten Wallette

No 2005:12: Testing for Panel Cointegration with Multiple Structural Breaks
Joakim Westerlund

No 2005:11: Testing for Error Correction in Panel Data
Joakim Westerlund

No 2005:10: Panel Cointegration Tests of the Fisher Hypothesis
Joakim Westerlund

No 2005:9: Pooled Unit Root Tests in Panels with a Common Factor
Joakim Westerlund

No 2005:8: New Simple Tests for Panel Cointegration
Joakim Westerlund

No 2005:7: Default Probabilities According to the Bond Market
Hans Byström and Oh Kang Kwon

No 2005:6: Is China an Optimum Currency Area?
Hans Byström, Karin Olofsdotter and Lars Söderström

No 2005:5: Default Risk, Systematic Risk and Thai Firms Before, During and After the Asian Crisis
Hans Byström, Lugkana Worasinchai and Srisuda Chongsithipol

No 2005:4: Integration and Tax Competition: An Empirical Study of OECD Countries
Åsa Hansson and Karin Olofsdotter

No 2005:3: Strategy-Proof Allocation of Multiple Public Goods
Lars-Gunnar Svensson and Pär Torstensson

No 2005:2: Escaping Mass Education – Why Harvard Pays
Andreas Bergh and Günther Fink

No 2005:1: Choosing Opponents in Games of Cooperation and Coordination
Peter Engseld and Andreas Bergh

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
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