No 2016:37: Grind or Gamble? An Experimental Analysis of Effort and Spread Seeking in Contests
Ola Andersson, Håkan J. Holm and Erik Wengström
No 2016:36: Patient Choice, Entry, and the Quality of Primary Care: Evidence from Swedish Reforms
Jens Dietrichson, Lina Maria Ellegård and Gustav Kjellsson
No 2016:35: Strategic Decisions: Behavioral Differences Between CEOs and Others
Håkan J. Holm, Victor Nee and Sonja Opper
No 2016:34: Chained Approach vs Contingent Valuation for Estimating the Value of Risk Reduction
Sara Olofsson, Ulf-G Gerdtham, Lars Hultkrantz and Ulf Persson
No 2016:33: Value of a QALY and VSI Estimated with the Chained Approach
Sara Olofsson, Ulf-G Gerdtham, Lars Hultkrantz and Ulf Persson
No 2016:32: Firm Size Distribution and Employment Fluctuations: Theory and Evidence
Holger Görg, Philipp Henze, Viroj Jienwatcharamongkhol, Daniel Kopasker, Hassan Molana, et al.
No 2016:31: Foreign Direct Investment and Value Added in Indonesia
Fredrik Sjöholm
No 2016:30: Joint Modelling of Power Price, Temperature, and Hydrological Balance with a View towards Scenario Analysis
Veronika Lunina
No 2016:29: Does Debt Relief Improve Child Health? Evidence from Cross-Country Micro Data
Anna Welander
No 2016:28: Effect of Type 1 Diabetes on School Performance in a Dynamic World: New Analysis Exploring Swedish Register Data
Emma Persson, Sofie Persson, Ulf-G. Gerdtham and Katarina Steen Carlsson
No 2016:27: Linking Services to Manufacturing Exports
Björn Thor Arnarson and Joakim Gullstrand
No 2016:26: Stock Return Expectations in the Credit Market
Hans Byström
No 2016:25: The Superstar and the Followers: Intra-Firm Product Complementarity in International Trade
Björn Thor Arnarson
No 2016:24: Does Risk-Adjusted Payment Influence Primary Care Providers' Decision on Where to Set Up Practices?
Anders Anell, Margareta Dackehag and Jens Dietrichson
No 2016:23: Measuring the End of Life Premium in Cancer using Individual ex ante Willingness to Pay
Sara Olofsson, Ulf-G. Gerdtham, Lars Hultkrantz and Ulf Persson
No 2016:22: Dread and Risk Elimination Premium for the Value of a Statistical Life
Sara Olofsson, Ulf-G. Gerdtham, Lars Hultkrantz and Ulf Persson
No 2016:21: Importing Political Polarization? The Electoral Consequences of Rising Trade Exposure
David Autor, David Dorn, Gordon Hanson and Kaveh Majlesi
No 2016:20: The Dynamics of Income-Related Health Inequalities in Australia versus Great Britain
Paul Samuel Calara, Ulf-G Gerdtham and Dennis Petrie
No 2016:19: Day-to-Day Living Expenses and Mental Health
Margareta Dackehag, Lina Maria Ellegård, Ulf-G. Gerdtham and Therese Nilsson
No 2016:18: Assigning Refugees to Landlords in Sweden: Efficient Stable Maximum Matchings
Tommy Andersson and Lars Ehlers
No 2016:17: Do Multinationals Pay Less in Taxes than Domestic Firms? Evidence from the Swedish Manufacturing Sector
Åsa Hansson, Karin Olofsdotter and Susanna Thede
No 2016:16: Exploring Outward FDI and the Choice of Destination: Evidence from Swedish Firm-Level Data
Zouheir El-Sahli, Joakim Gullstrand and Karin Olofsdotter
No 2016:15: Differences Attract: An Experimental Study of Focusing in Economic Choice
Ola Andersson, Jim Ingebretsen Carlson and Erik Wengström
No 2016:14: On Evaluating Author's Performance by Publications: An Axiomatic Study
Conan Mukherjee and Aftab Alam
No 2016:13: Irish GDP between the Famine and the First World War: Estimates Based on a Dynamic Factor Model
Fredrik N. G. Andersson and Jason Lennard
No 2016:12: An Auction with Approximated Bidder Preferences - When an Auction has to be Quick
Jim Ingebretsen Carlson
No 2016:11: Kidney Exchange over the Blood Group Barrier
Tommy Andersson and Jörgen Kratz
No 2016:10: TARP and Market Discipline: Evidence on the Moral Hazard Effects of Bank Recapitalizations
Jens Forssbaeck and Caren Yinxia Nielsen
No 2016:9: Banks' Credit-Portfolio Choices and Risk-Based Capital Regulation
Caren Yinxia Nielsen
No 2016:8: Curating Social Image: Experimental Evidence on the Value of Actions and Selfies
Hakan J. Holm and Margaret Samahita
No 2016:7: Long-Run Saving Dynamics: Evidence from Unexpected Inheritances
Jeppe Druedahl and Alessandro Martinello
No 2016:6: Role of Parental Expectations in Determining Child Labour and Schooling
Conan Mukherjee and Rama Pal
No 2016:5: Long Term Stability of Time Preferences and the Role of the Macroeconomic Situation
Hjördis Hardardottir
No 2016:4: Blockchains, Real-Time Accounting and the Future of Credit Risk Modeling
Hans Byström
No 2016:3: How is the Irish Fiscal Advisory Council Performing? An Independent Evaluation of the First Years of IFAC
Lars Jonung, Iain Begg and Michael G. Tutty
No 2016:2: Cross-Commodity News Transmission and Volatility Spillovers in the German Energy Markets
Rikard Green, Karl Larsson, Veronika Lunina and Birger Nilsson
No 2016:1: The Currency Composition of Firms' Balance Sheets and its Effect on Asset Value Correlations and Capital Requirements
Hans Byström
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